Hardy-Flap’s Unbreakable Hermes ’OLLE’

KBHV-16 Landes-sg-16 CIB DK(club) CH VDH CH DE CH SE CH DK CH

Hardy-Flap’s Unbreakable Hermes

(Landes-sg-13-14 DK CH SE CH VDH CH DE CH MK CH Jitterbop Promises In The Air x BDSG-13 Landes-sg-12 CIB VDH CH DE CH KLB CH DK CH MK CH SE CH Hardy-Flap’s Star Wars)



born: 140602

Qualifications: Copenhagen Winner-16, Landes-sg-16 Gutskow.
International, Danish(club), German, German (club), Swedish and Danish champion.

Results: 9 x BOB in Sweden, Denmark and Germany. 7 x BOS in Sweden and Denmark. 1 x BIS in Germany. 1 x BIS-2-BOS in Denmark. 1 x BIS-3-BOS in Denmark. 2 x group placement in Sweden. 1 x BIS-2-intermediate in Sweden.

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