Hardy-Flap’s Divine Disco Dancer ‘BIRGIT’

DKKV-06 KBHV-06 Landes-sg-06-07 Verbands-Sg-06-07 KLBV-05 VDH CH DE CH CIB SI CH KLB CH SE CH DK CH

Hardy-Flap’s Divine Disco Dancer

(CAN CH FI CH Cabochon’s Cat Walk x SV-09 VEUW-08 VWW-08-09-10-11 KBHV-07 Verbandssg-02 BroV-02 Landes-Sg-01 Bd(jgd)sg-00 H(veteran) CH VDH(veteran) CH DE(veteran) CH CIB DE CH VDH CH SE CH DK CH FI CH Hardy-Flap’s When Trumpets Fade)



born: 030907

Qualifications: Danish kennel club winner-06, Copenhagen Winner-06, Verbands-sg-06-07, Landes-sg-06 Sachsen, Landes-sg-07 Schleswig Holstein and Hessen and Danish breed Winner-05.
German, German(club), International, Slovenian, Danish(club), Swedish and Danish  champion.
2 CC in Switzerland, 1 CC and 1 r-CC in Holland.

Results: 24 x BOB in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Slovenia. 30 x BOS in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and  Holland. Group placements in Sweden, Denmark, Slovenia and Germany. BIS-placements in Denmark, Germany and Slovenia. Most winning dog all breeds in the Danish toy club 2005. Most winning bichon in the Danish toy club 2005. Most winning bichon in the Danish kennel club  2006. Most winning bichon in Germany 2007. BOS-veteran at the Bichon Specialty 2012.