3/1, Gothenburg (Sweden), judge: Kitty Sjong, Denmark
Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Stéen) won intermediate class with Exc. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) won open class with Exc. Simba (Ch H-F’s Crowd Pleaser, ow. A-C Persson) won champion class with Exc. Simba was best male, Mickey was third best male with CC and thereby Swedish champion, Hugo was fifth best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) won junior class with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with Exc. Wilma (Ch H-F’s Gin Fizz, co-ow. U Ohlsson) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second in champion class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch with CC, Wilma was second best bitch, Tindra was third, Berit forth as well as BOB-veteran and Isadora was fifth best bitch. Simba was BOB and Lara was BOS. Our breeder’s group with Simba, Hugo, Tindra and Wilma was BIS-5.

Simba BOB and Lara BOS!

Hugo on the move.

Mickey new Swedish champion!

Isadora won junior class.


4/1, Gothenburg (Sweden), judge: Ligita Zake, Latvia
Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Stéen) won intermediate class with Exc. Simba (Ch H-F’s Crowd Pleaser, ow. A-C Persson) won champion class with Exc and Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was third with Exc. Simba was second best male with r-CACIB and Mickey was fifth best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second in junior class with prize of honour. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with Exc. Wilma (Ch H-F’s Gin Fizz, co-ow. U Ohlsson) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second in champion class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Wilma was best bitch with CACIB and thereby new International champion. Lara was second best bitch with CC and r-CACIB and Tindra was third. Berit was BOB-veteran. Wilma was BOB. Our breeder’s group with Simba, Hugo, Tindra and Wilma was the breed’s best breeder’s group.

Wilma was BOB!

Hugo won intermediate class.

24/1, Mouscron (Belgium), judge: Monique van Brempt, Belgium
Giny (H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) was BOB with CC and CACIB. Giny thereby became Belgian champion.
2/2, Stari Banovci (Serbia), judge: Stefica Lazic
Romeo (H-F’s Tropical Storm, ow. J Stanimirovic) won junior class and was the breed’s best junior.
14/2, Fredericia (Denmark), judge: Dusan Panovic, Serbia
Simba (Ch H-F’s Crowd Pleaser, ow. A-C Persson) won champion class with Exc, Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was forth with Exc and Albin (Ch H-F’s Chateau De Cherimont, ow. R Rosengren) was fifth with Exc. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won open class with Exc. Mille was best male with CC and CACIB and thereby he became new Danish champion. Simba was second best male with r-CACIB. Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class wtih Exc. Berit was best bitch and Lara was second best bitch with CC and CACIB and thereby new Danish champion. Mille was BOB and Berit was BOB-veteran as well as BOS. Our breeder’s group with Simba, Mille, Mollie and Mickey was the breed’s best breeder’s group. In the finals Berit was BIS-2-veteran and Mille was group-2.

Mille BOB and Berit BOS.


Simba, Mickey and Albin.



Mille group-2.

Berit BIS-2-veteran.
21/2, Fribourg (Switzerland), judge: Kitty Sjong, Denmark
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won junior class with junior-CC and was the breed’s best junior. Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) was BOB with CC and CACIB.

22/2, Fribourg (Switzerland), judge: Anukka Paloheimo, Finland
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won junior class with junior-CC and was the breed’s best junior as well as BOB. Manolito became Swissk(junior) champion! Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) won champion class with CC and CACIB.

22/2, Celje (Slovenia), judge: Jadranka Smojver Selimovic, Croatia
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was BOB with CC.

28/2, Zagreb (Croatia), judge: Srecko Kukic, Croatia
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was BOB with CC and CACIB. Bill thereby became Croatian champion! In the finals for TOP 10 2008 Bill was second in group 9 and nr 8 of all dogs.

8/3, Graz (Austria), judge: Heidi Kirschbichler, Austria
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was BOS with CC and CACIB. Bill is now International champion!
14/3, Offenburg (Germany), judge: Walter Jungblut, Germany
Manolito (Ch H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won junior class with junior-CC and got the title Landes(jgd)-sg-08 Ortnau. Manolito is now German(junior) champion!
21/3, Ströby (Denmark), judge: Gunnar Nymann, Denmark
Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) won champion class with Exc and club-CC. Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) was second in junior class with Exc. Knut (H-F’s Ocean’s Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) won open class with Exc. Zimon won best male and Knut was third best male with CC. Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) won champion class with Exc and club-CC and Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second with Exc. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch and Tindra was third best bitch and Berit was forth best bitch. Zimon was BOB and Lara was BOS. In the finals our breeder’s group with Knut, Zimon and Tindra was BIS, Lara was BIS-3-BOS, Berit was BIS-2-veteran and Zimon was BIS-2.

Zimon BOB and Lara BOS.

Knut won CC.

Lara was BIS-3-BOS.

Zimon BIS-2!
21/3, Neussen (Germany), judge: George Kostopopulus, Greece
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC and was best bitch.

22/3, Malmö (Sweden), judge: Zoran Brancovich, Serbia
Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class with Exc and Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) was second with Exc. Knut (H-F’s Ocean’s Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) won open class with Exc and Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Steén) was third. Dennis (Ch H-F’s Juicy Jitterbug Dancer, co-ow. F Holmér) won champion class with Exc, Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) was third with Exc, Simba (Ch H-F’s Crowd Pleaser, ow. A-C Persson) was forth with Exc, Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was fifth with Exc and Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) was not placed. Dennis was best male with CACIB and the title Swedish Winner-09. Wictor was third best male with CC, Knut was forth best male and Mille was fifth best male. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won junior class with Exc. Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won open class with Exc. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second in champion class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Berit was best bitch with the title Swedish Winner-09, Lara was second best bitch with CACIB, Tindra was third best bitch, Dolly was forth best bitch with CC and Mollie was fifth best bitch. Berit was BOB and Dennis was BOS. In the finals our breeder’s group with Dennis, Knut, Wictor and Mille was BIS-2, Birgit’s (Ch H-F’s Divine Disco Dancer) progeny class with Knut, Hugo, Wictor and Dolly was BIS-2 and Berit was BIS-veteran.

Dennis BOS and Berit BOB!


Knut and Hugo.

Wictor won CC!

Berit BIS-veteran!

Dolly won CC.




22/3, Neussen (Germany), judge: Ferdi Dickman, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC and was best bitch. In the finals she was BIS-junior!

Tina was BIS-junior!
29/3, Luxembourg (Luxembourg), judge: Britta Roos-Börjesson, Sweden
Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won champion class with CC and he thereby became Luxembourg champion. Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) was second in open class with r-CC. Mille was best male with CACIB. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with CC and she thereby became Luxembourg champion. Lara was best bitch with CACIB. Mille was BOB and Lara was BOS.

Mille BOB and Lara BOS.


Giny and his owners.

29/3, Berlin (Germany), judge: Valentina Ivanischeva, Russia
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior clas with Exc.

5/4, – (Austria), judge: Carole Garöfer, Austria
Oskar (Ch H-F’s Famous Flamenco Dancer, ow. P Lozej) won champion class with Exc and was best male. Oskar was best male with CC and CACIB. Thereby Oskar became Austrian champion! Oskar was BOB and group-3.

Oskar was group-3!
10/4, Monaco (Monaco), judge:
Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) was second best male with r-CC and r-CACIB.
11/4, Dresden (Germany), judge: Herbert Heim, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC and thereby she became German(junior) champion. Tina was also best bitch.
12/4, Frejus (France), judge:
Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) won CC and got r-CACIB.
12/4, Dresden (Germany), judge: Hans Almgren, Sweden
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with Exc.
19/4, Hedensted (Denmark), judge: Malgorozska Suproniza, Poland
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with Exc and was best bitch. Mollie was BOS.
19/4, Sanremo (Italy), judge:
Giny (Ch H-F’s Gin Smash, ow. R Déjon) was BOB with CC and CACIB.
2/5, Ålborg (Denmark), judge: Cathy Delmar, Ireland
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in champion class with Exc and was third best bitch.
3/5, Dortmund (Germany), judge: Stefan Sinko, Slovenia
Milou (Ch H-F’s Edmonton Oilers, ow. Å Persson) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Albin (Ch H-F’s Chateau De Cherimont, ow. R Rosengren) was third in open class with Exc and Linus (H-F’s Idol’s Eye Diamond, ow. G Paulus) was forth with Exc. Milou was best male with CACIB and Europa-sieger-09. Milou thereby became International champion! Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) won champion class with CC and club-CC and Tindra thereby became German and German(club) champion. Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC and the titel Europa(jugend)-sieger-09. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Salli (H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, co-ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) won open class with CC and club-CC. Salli thereby became German and German(club) champion. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch with CACIB and the titel Europa-sieger-09 and Tindra was second best bitch with r-CACIB. Lara was BOB and Milou was BOS. In the finals our breeder’s group with Berit, Milou and Tindra was BIS and the couple class with Milou and Lara was BIS.


Salli German and German(club) champion.

Tindra German and German(club) champion.

Lara BOB and Milou BOS!

Tina Europa(jugend)-sieger-09!

Linus with Gabi and Evelina.
16/5, Hässleholm (Sweden), judge: James Newman, Ireland
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) was second in intermediate class with Exc. Dennis (Ch H-F’s Juicy Jitterbug Dancer, co-ow. F Holmèr) won champion class with Exc. Dennis was second best male and Max was forth best male. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won junior class with Exc. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch, Lara was second best bitch with CC and Berit was forth best bitch. Our breeder’s group with Dennis, Dolly, Max and Berit was the breed’s best breeder’s group. Lara was BOS. In the finals Berit was BIS-3-veteran and our breeder’s group was BIS-3.

Lara was BOS.

Berit BIS-3-veteran.

Max and Dennis.
16/5, Piteå (Sweden), judge: Karin Bernadis, Österrike
Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) won champion class and was second best male. Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class and was forth best male. Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) won open class and was fifth best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) won intermediate class and was second best bitch. Our breeder’s group was the breed’s best breeder’s group with prize of Honour. In the finals Wictor was BIS-junior, Isadora was BIS-5-intermediate and our breeder’s group was BIS.

Isadora BIS-5-intermediate.
16/5, Glindow (Germany), judge: Berthold Peterburs, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) was BOB and BIS-junior and BIS-3. Tina also got the title Landes(jugend)-sieger Brandenburg-Süd-09.
16/5, St Gallen (Switzerland), judge: J Custot, Switzerland
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) was BOB with CC and CACIB.
16/5, Indjija (Serbia), judge: Sinisa Sancanin
Romeo (H-F’s Tropical Storm, ow. J Stanimirovic) won junior class and was BOB. In the finals he was group-3.
17/5, St Gallen (Switzerland), judge: Mrs Bold, England
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won CC and r-CACIB.
17/5, Piteå (Sweden), judge: Birgitta Hasselgren, Sweden
Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) was second in champion class with Exc. Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class and was fifth best male. Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was second in open class and third best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second in intermediate class with prize of Honour. In the finals our breeder’s group was BIS-2.
23/5, Belgrad (Serbia), judge: Ramune Kazlauskaite
Romeo (H-F’s Tropical Storm, ow. J Stanimirovic) won junior class.
24/5, Oldenburg (Germany), judge: Alenka Cerne, Slovenia
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in open class with r-CC and second best bitch with r-CACIB.
24/5, Pello (Finland), judge: Unto Timonen, Finland
Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) was second in junior class with Exc. Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) won champion class with Exc and was second best male with r-CC.
31/5, Hrusica (Slovenia), judge: Zlatko Ktaljic, Croatia
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) won CC and was BOB. Bill became Slovenian champion.
7/6, Norrköping (Sweden), judge: Dan Ericson, Sweden
Bella (H-F’s Hit By The Gold Fever, ow. M Bergström) was forth best bitch with Exc.
7/6, Neumünster (Germany), judge: Kitty Sjong, Denmark
Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Gimli (Ch H-F’s Orange Splash, ow. L Liljegren) won open class with CC and club-CC. Gimli thereby became German and German(club) champion! Mickey was best male with CACIB and Gimli was second best male with r-CACIB. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with veteran-CC. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won junior class with junior-CC. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won open class with CC and club-CC. Dolly was best bitch and Lara was second best bitch with CACIB. Mickey was BOB and Dolly was BOS. In the finals Berit BIS-2-veteran, our couple class with Mickey and Lara was BIS, our breeder’s group with Mickey, Gimli and Berit was BIS-2 and Dolly was group-3-junior!

Mickey was BOB and Dolly was BOS.

Gimli became German champion!

Mollie won CC.

Our couple class was BIS.
13/6, Erfurt (Germany), judge: Herbert Heim, Germany
Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class and got r-CC and r-club-CC. Albin (Ch H-F’s Chateau De Cherimont, ow. R Rosengren) won open class with CC anc club-CC. Albin became German and German(club) champion! Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with veteran-CC. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won junior class with junior-CC and was also BOB-junior. Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Lara was BOB. In the finals Berit was BIS-2-veteran, the couple class with Mickey and Lara was BIS, our breeder’s group with Mickey, Dolly and Berit was BIS. Dolly was among the three best in the junior-group and Lara was group-3!

Couple class.
13/6, Vejen (Denmark), judge:
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in champion class and second best bitch with r-CACIB.
13/6, Vännäs (Sweden), judge: Anne Fitzpatrick, England
Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) won champion class and was best male with CACIB. Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class and was forth best male. Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was third in open class. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second in intermediate class with prize of honour. Zimon was BOS. Our breeder’s group was the breed’s best group..

14/6, Erfurt (Germany), judge: Claudia Hollweg, Germany
Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class with r-CC and r-club-CC. Albin (Ch H-F’s Chateau De Cherimont, ow. R Rosengren) won open class with CC and club-CC. Albin was best male with CACIB. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with veteran-CC. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won junior class with junior-CC and was also BOB-junior. Dolly was German(junior) champion! Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) won champion class with CC och club-CC. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Lara was BOB with CACIB. In the finals the couple class with Mickey and Lara was BIS-2, our breeder’s group with Mickey, Dolly and Berit was BIS. Dolly were among the three best in the junior-group and Lara was group-2!



Couple class.

Lara group-2!

14/6, Vejen (Denmark), judge: Chantal Mery, France
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class and was best bitch with CACIB. Mollie was also BOS.
14/6, Vännäs (Sweden), judge: Torbjörn Skaar, Sweden
Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was second best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second best bitch..
14/6, Klagenfurt (Austria), judge: Zuzana Brotnakova, Czech
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was best male with CC and CACIB.
28/6, Bulle (Switzerland), judge: Marie Petersson, Denmark
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class wtih CC .
5/7, Lendava (Slovenia), judge: Lilliane De Ridder, Belgium
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) won CC, CACIB and was BOS. Bill became Slovenian champion.

Bill new Slovenian champion!
5/7, Piteå (Sweden), judge: Kurt Nilsson, Sweden
Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class with Exc. Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) was second in champion class with Exc. Wictor was second best male with CC and Zimon was third best male.
10/7, Tvååker (Sweden), judge: Anne Summe, Estonia
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was forth in open class. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) won champion class with Exc and Dennis (Ch H-F’s Juicy Jitterbug Dancer, co-ow. F Holmér) was second with Exc. Mickey was best male, Max was second best male with CC and Dennis was third best male. Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. M Bergström) was second in junior class with Exc. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second in intermediate class with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) was third in open class and Salli (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) was forth. Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) won champion class. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Berit was third best bitch and Bella was fifht best bitch. Mickey was BOB. Our breeder’s group was the breed’s best group.

Mickey was BOB.
11/7, Tvååker (Sweden), judge: Inger Ronander, Norway
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was second in open class. Dennis (Ch H-F’s Juicy Jitterbug Dancer, co-ow. F Holmér) won champion class with Exc. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second with Exc. Dennis was best male with CACIB, Mickey was second best male with r-CACIB and Max was forth best male. Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. M Bergström) was second in junior class. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was second in intermediate class with Exc. Salli (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) was second in open class with Exc, Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was third with Exc and Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) was forth with Exc. Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second in champion class with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Salli was third best bitch. Dennis was BOS. Our breeder’s group was the breed’s best group. In the finals Berit’s progeny class was BIS-5.

Dennis was BOS.
11/7, Pfaffenhofen (Germany), judge: Frau Garhöfer, Austria
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class wtih CC and club-CC. Manolito was also BOB.
12/7, Pfaffenhofen (Germany), judge: Jens Bruse, Germany
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Manolito was also BOB. In the finals he was BIS-3.

Manolito BIS-3!
23/7, Split (Croatia), judge: Tiina, Taulos, Finland
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was best male with CC .
24/7, Split (Croatia), judge: Nina Karlsdotter, Sweden
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was best male with CC and CACIB. Bill was also BOB.
25/7, Split (Croatia), judge: Andrzej Kazmierski, Poland
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was best male with CC .
26/7, Split (Croatia), judge: Hans V.D. Berg, Holland
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) was best male with CC and CACIB.
26/7, Ransäter (Sweden), judge: Göran Bodegård, Sweden
Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) won open class with Exc. Knut was then best male with CC and CACIB, and became Swedish champion. Knut was also BOB.

Knut became Swedish champion!
1/8, Neussen (Germany), judge: Glenway Dymock, Australien
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC and was BOS. Tina got the title Verbands(jgd)-sg-09 and in the finals she was BIS-junior.

Tina BIS-junior.
1/8, Bremen (Germany), judge:
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Mollie was also BOB and group-4.
2/8, Bremen (Germany), judge: Joachim Weinberg, Germany
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Mollie was also BOB.
2/8, Neussen (Germany), judge: Gyula Sárközy, Hungary
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC. Tina got the title Landes(jgd)-sg-09 and in the finals she was BIS-junior.

Tina BIS-junior.
8/8, Ronneby (Sweden), judge: Cindy Petterson, Sweden
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won champion class with Exc. Mille was best male with CACIB and Max was third best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) was forth in intermediate class. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won open class with Exc and Salli (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) was second with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) was second in veteran class with Exc. Lara was second best bitch with CC and r-CACIB. Lara became Swedish champion. Salli was fifth best bitch. Mille was BOB. In the finals our breeder’s group with Mille, Max, Tindra and Salli was BIS-3!

Mille BOB.
16/8, Hilleröd (Denmark), judge: Gabriella Runge, Germany
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class and was BOB with CACIB.
29/8, Luleå (Sweden), judge: Annuka Paloheimo, Finland
Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundkvist) won junior class with Exc. Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundkvist) won champion class with Exc and Knut (H-F’s Ocean Dream Diamond, ow. A Lorentzon-Sundström) was second with Exc. Wictor was second best male and Zimon was third best male. Isadora (H-F’s Cyclone Eye, ow. H Leinehed) won intermediate class with Exc. Isadora was best bitch with CC and BOS. Our breeder’s group was BIS-5.

Isadora BOS.
30/8, Isernhagen (Germany), judge: Karin Biala Gauss, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won junior class with junior-CC. Tina also got the title Landes(jgd)-sg-09 and she was BOB.
5/9, Öland (Sweden), judge: Eva Borg Liljekvist, Sweden
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) won champion class with Exc. Mickey was second best male and Max was third best male. Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. Y Andersson) won intermediate class with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with prize of honour. Lara was best bitch, Bella was forth and Tindra was fifth. Lara was BOS. In the finals our breeder’s group with Max, Mickey, Bella and Tindra was BIS-3!

Lara BOS.
12/9, Leipzig (Germany), judge: Jens Bruse, Germany
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with CC and club-CC and was best bitch with CACIB. Mollie was also BOB.
12/9, Eket (Sweden), judge: Mikuz Brackovic Meto, Slovenia
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Steén) won open class with Exc. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won champion class with Exc and Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class with Exc. Mille was best male, Hugo was second best male with CC, Mickey was third best male and Max was forth best male. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won intermediate class with Exc and Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. Y Andersson) was second. Salli (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) won open class with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch, Salli was second with CC and thereby Salli became Swedish champion. Dolly was third and Tindra was fifth. Lara was BOB and Mille was BOS. In the finals Lara was BIS-5, Berit was BIS-veteran and our breeder’s group was BIS-5! Katja Holböll competed with Dolly and Emma Andersson competed with Salli in juniorhandling and were both placed on second place.

Lara BOB and BIS-5.

Hugo won CC!

Mille was best male!

Berit BIS-veteran!


Salli new Swedish champion!


Emma and Katja competed in juniorhandling.
13/9, Sofiero (Sweden), judge: Marija Kavcic, Slovenien
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with Exc. Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Steén) won open class with Exc. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won champion class with Exc and Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class with Exc. Mille was best male, Max was second best male with CC, Mickey was third best male and Hugo was forth best male. Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. Y Andersson) won intermediate class with Exc. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) was second with Exc. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc, Salli (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Baby, ow. U Fromberg-Håkansson) was second with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was third with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was best bitch, Bella was second with CC, Salli was third, Tindra forth and Dolly fifth. Lara was BOB and Mille was BOS. In the finals Lara was group-4, Berit was BIS-5-veteran and our breeder’s group with Max, Mickey, Salli and Bella was BIS-4! Katja Holböll competed with Dolly in juniorhandling and they were placed as number seven.

Mille BOS and Lara BOB.

Berit BIS-5-veteran.

Max won CC.

Lara was group-4.

Katja competed in juniorhandling. Evelina and Andreas gave her some advices!
13/9, Leipzig (Germany), judge: Wilfred Peper, Germany
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with CC and club-CC and was best bitch with CACIB. Mollie was also BOB.
19/9, Köpenhamn (Denmark), judge: Gunnar Nyman, Denmark
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in champion class.
20/9, Köpenhamn (Denmark), judge: Szuzanna Brotankova, Czech
Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in champion class with Exc.
20/9, Zaporizhya (Ukraine), judge:
Ruby (Ch H-F’s Ruby Fizz, ow. L Pyatygin) was best bitch with CACIB. Ruby thereby became International champion. She was also BOB.
26/9, Gosen (Germany), judge: Istvan Csik, Hungary
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Tina was BOB and BIS-2.
27/9, Gosen (Germany), judge: Karin Biala-Gaus, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Tina was BOB and BIS-4.
27/9, Knittelsheim (Germany), judge: Herbert Heim, Germany
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Manolito was also BOB. In the finals he was BIS-2.
3/10, Zwolle (Holland), judge: Berthold Peterburs, Germany
Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) won champion class with Exc. Mckey was best male with CC and CACIB. Lara (Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) was second in championklass with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Berit was best bitch with CC. Mickey was BOB and Berit was BOS. In the finals Berit was BIS-2-veteran, our couple class was BIS-2 and Mickey was group-3.

Mickey BOB and Berit BOS.

Our couple class was BIS-2.
10/10, Meitingen (Germany), domare: Karin Biala Gauss, Germany
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Manolito was also BOB. In the finals he was BIS-3.

4/10, Rostock (Germany), judge: Barbara Pallasky, Tyskland
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Tina was second best bitch with r-CACIB.
11/10, Meitingen (Germany), domare: Irene Hess, Germany
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC..
11/10, Bratislava (Slovakia), judge: Christian Stefanescu, Romania
Wictor (H-F’s Go Go Go For Gold, ow. L Lundqvist) was third in junior class with Exc. Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) got very good in open class. Zimon (Ch H-F’s Toronto Maple Leafs, ow. L Lundqvist) was second in champion class with Exc and r-CC. Oskar (Ch H-F’s Famous Flamenco Dancer, ow. P Lozej) was forth in champion class with Exc. Zimon was second best male with r-CACIB. Cleo (H-F’s My Obsession, ow. D Lazar) was BOB-puppy. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with CC. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc and became World(veteran) Winner-09. Berit was also Best veteran. Lara was best bitch with CACIB and World Winner-09. Lara was also BOB.

Cleo BOB-puppy.



Lara, WW-09 Ch Bodacious Arch Enemy, JWW-09 Diamella Iron Maiden, Berit
16/10, Dortmund (Germany), judge: Rita Mc Carrie Beattie, Ireland
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won open class with CC and club-CC. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Mickey became German and German(club) champion. Mille was best male with CACIB and the title Deutscher Bundessieger-09. Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) was second in junior class. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) won open class with CC and club-CC . Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) was second in champion class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Mollie was best bitch with CACIB and Deutscher Bundessieger-09. Mille was BOB and Mollie was BOS. In the finals our couple class with Mickey and Lara was BIS-2, Berit was BIS-2-veteran and our breeder’s group with Max, Mickey, Berit was BIS!

Mille BOB and Mollie BOS.


17/10, Dortmund (Germany), judge: Zena Thorn Andrews, England
Max (H-F’s Summer Monsoon, ow. N Lundqvist) was second in intermediate class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won open class with CC and club-CC. Mickey (Ch H-F’s Millions To Spend, co-ow. E Bååth) was second in champion class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) was third in intermediate class. Dolly (H-F’s I’m A Golddigger, ow. H Holböll) was second in open class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with CC and club-CC. Mollie (Ch H-F’s Million Dollar Angel, ow. L Andreasen) was second in champion class with r-CC and r-(club)CC. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Lara was BOB. In the finals our couple class with Mickey and Lara was BIS-2 and our breeder’s group with Max, Mickey, Berit was BIS!

30/10, Växjö (Sweden), judge: Petru Munteau, Romania
Hugo (H-F’s Spoonmaker’s Diamond, ow. A Steén) won open class with Exc. Mille (Ch H-F’s Gin Sling, ow. M Svärd) won champion class with Exc. Mille was best male with CACIB and Hugo was third best male. Bella (H-F’s Gold Fever, ow. Y Andersson) won intermediate class with Exc. Lara (Ch Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day) won champion class with Exc and Tindra (Ch H-F’s Alabama Fizz, ow. M Nordén) was second with Exc. Berit (Ch H-F’s When Trumpets Fade) won veteran class with Exc. Bella was best bitch with CC and CACIB, Lara was second best bitch and Berit fifth. Bella was BOB and Mille was BOS. In the finals Berit was BIS-veteran and our breeder’s group with Hugo, Mille, Tindra and Bella was BIS-2!

Mille BOS and Bella BOB.

Berit BIS-veteran.
14/11, Friedrichshafen (Germany), judge: Berthold Peterburs, Germany
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC and he was second best male.
15/11, Friedrichshafen (Germany), judge: Gajic Zeljko, Slovenia
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC.
6/12, Kassel (Germany), judge: Gabriele Runge, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Tina was best bitch with CACIB.
12/12, Sremska Mitrovica(Serbia), judge: Zlatko Kraljić, Croatia
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) won champion class and was BOB. In the finals he was group-3. Romeo (H-F’s Tropical Storm, ow. J Stanimirovic) won intermediate class with CC.
13/12, Erba (Italy), judge: C. De Giuliani, Italy
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class and was second best male.
13/12, Großenkneten (Germany), judge: Walter Holtdorf, Germany
Tina (H-F’s Goldeneye Watches U, ow. J & M Bruse) won intermediate class with CC and club-CC. Tina was BOB.
13/12, Belgrad (Serbia), judge: Mile Aleksoski, Macedonia
Bill (Ch H-F’s Million Bucks For Me, ow. B Nicolic) won champion class with CC and was second best male. Bill became Serbian champion. Romeo (H-F’s Tropical Storm, ow. J Stanimirovic) won intermediate class with CC and he was BOB with CACIB. In the finals he was BIS-5.

20/12, Wangen (Switzerland), judge: Glenway Dymock, Australia
Manolito (H-F’s Hurricane Punch, ow. B Brunner) won intermediate class with CC and was BOB with the title Clubsieger-09. Manolito was BIS!