Landes-sg-09-10 Verbands(jgd)-sg-09 Landes(jgd)-sg-09 VDH-E(jgd)sg-09 VDH CH DE CH German(jun) CH
Hardy-Flap’s Goldeneye Watches U
(FI CH Manoir’s Zoom To Wyomaer x DKKV-06 KBHV-06 Landes-sg-06-07 Verbands-Sg-06-07 KLBV-05 VDH CH DE CH CIB SI CH KLB CH SE CH DK CH Hardy-Flap’s Divine Disco Dancer)
born: 080610
Qualifications: Landes-sg-10 Schleswig-Holstein, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hessen. Landes-sg-09 Berlin-Brandenburg, Verbands(jugend)-sieger-09, Europa(jugend)-sieger-09, Landes(jugend)-sieger-09 Brandenburg-Süd & Bremen/Weser-Ems & Mecklenburg/Vorpommern & Niedersachsen & Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland.
German, German(club) and German(junior) champion.
1 CACIB in Germany.
Results: Several BOB in Germany. Several BIS-junior-placements in Germany. Several BIS-placements in Germany. Most winning bichon in Germany 2009 and 2010. Most winning dog all breeds in the German toy club 2010.