Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day ‘LARA’

WW-09 Verbands-sg-10 Landes-sg-09-10 VDH-Esg-09 BD(jgd)sg-08 Verbands(jgd)sg-08 Landes(jgd)sg-08  CIB VDH CH DE CH SE CH L CH DK CH German(jun) CH

Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day

(CIB MD CH B CH RS CH BLR CH R CH FI CH L CH UKR CH H CH US CH Paray’s Tabloid News x FI CH FINV-04 Jitterbop When Ever)



born: 070707

breeder: Jaana Kauppinen, Finland

Qualifications: World Winner-09, Verbands-sg-10, Landes-sg-09 Thuringen, Landes-sg-10 (Gutzkow, Sachsen), Europa-sieger-09, Bundes(jgd)sg-08, Verbands(jgd)sg-08, Landes(jgd)sg-08 Bremen/Weser-Ems and Sachsen.
International, German, German(club), Swedish, Luxembourg, Danish and German(junior) champion.

Results: 16 x BOB in Germany, Slovakia and Sweden. 12 x BOS in Sweden, Germany and Luxembourg. 2 x BIS in Germany. 2 x BIS-junior in Germany and Sweden. BOS-junior at the Bichon Specialty 2008. Group placements in Sweden and Germany. BIS-placement in Sweden.