Hardy-Flap’s Speedy Spiderman ‘SPEEDY’

DE CH German(junior) CH Landes-sg-17 Landes(jgd)sg-16

Hardy-Flap’s Speedy Spiderman

(Landes-sg-13-14 DK CH SE CH VDH CH DE CH MK CH Jitterbop Promises In The Air x WW-09 Verbands-sg-10 Landes-sg-09-10 VDH-Esg-09 BD(jgd)sg-08 Verbands(jgd)sg-08 Landes(jgd)sg-08  CIB VDH CH DE CH SE CH L CH DK CH German(jun) CH Jitterbop Scoop Of The Day)



born: 150312

Qualifications: Landessg-17 and Landes(jugednd)sg-16.
German(club) and German(junior) champion.

Results: Several BIS-placements in Germany.